.Where to find Ekbab & IktabYou’ll encounter Ekbab & Iktab in The Bone Matches in the course of A Theft of Cream color. Iktab is in the middle of animating Ekbab, and also you appear in the nick of time to find the streak concerned accomplishment..Just how to defeat Ekbab & IktabEkbab & Iktab.VulnerabilitiesResistances-Lightning Protection (Iktab).Ekbab & Iktab are actually a pair of supervisors you’ll need to have to tackle all at once in a tiny field. Ekbab is actually the mastodon, as well as he bills around the small room continuously.
Iktab is actually the spellcaster, and also he packs the pit with area-of-effect streaks. His incantations handle usually super damages, so a super beauty is a really good idea listed here..Your first goal should be to take out Iktab. If you lower Ekbab to begin with, Iktab takes on a new collection of much more damaging spells.
Removing Ekbab to begin with means you just have to deal with the weaker spells Iktab casts coming from beyond the grave..Kite the mastodon around the space as well as focus your strikes on Iktab. The major streak you need to have to prevent is the set of three comets that collapse below above. Keep an eye out for the orange circles on the ground and also remain effectively out of them when they look..When Iktab is lifeless, change your concentration to Ekbab, the mastodon.
He’ll charge around the little space as well as periodically slam down cone-shaped trembling assaults. Each are actually possible to avoid along with a timely dodge roll. As you do this, super eyes slowly float around the battleground, shooting aimlessly in every paths.
Stay on the opposite edge of the sector to offer your own self more opportunity to avoid their projectiles..